SRMNEA+N's 5-year investment plan is based on the objectives of PRODESS IV and the PDDSS (2014-2023), namely to reduce the MMR from 325 to 146 per 100,000 live births, the IMR from 101 to 95 per 1,000 live births, the IMR from 54 to 50 per 1,000 live births, and the NMR from 33 to 16 per 1,000 live births. With a view to progressing towards the MDGs and achieving universal health coverage in Mali, the investment case (IC), by prioritizing the most vulnerable areas and the major bottlenecks in the healthcare system, attempts to stagger high-impact interventions in order to improve the country's healthcare results. These measures, broken down into priorities, tackle the main obstacles to improving SRMNEA+N results, and focus essentially on the main cross-cutting issues in the health sector - human resources, quality of care, supply chain management and demand creation.

In addition, the IC prioritizes community-based implementation of these interventions, while promoting universal access to health services, in a gradual move towards scaling up by learning from past mistakes.