Niger's investment case prioritizes strengthening community-based services, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, and nutrition services to reduce stunting among children.
The government works with the GFF to enhance coverage and quality of services by building the capacity of community health workers to ensure an integrated package of services and to build demand for these services through behavior change communication. Focus is also placed on school health and nutrition programs for primary and secondary students in targeted school districts. As part of its efforts to reach universal health coverage, the government is developing a strategy to reform strategic purchase and increase resource efficiency. The GFF facilitates donor alignment around these priorities while helping to improve coordination around better data, monitoring and accountability.
In support of Niger’s reform agenda to accelerate demographic transition and promote gender equality, the GFF provided assistance to the government to amend a national law to allow married adolescent girls to gain access to family planning services without being accompanied by a parent or husband. Secondary-school-age girls can now attend school health clubs to receive comprehensive reproductive health information.

"With the GFF there is an opportunity to engage young people through intergenerational partnership to bring about change. The GFF has created a lot of platforms so that youth can be engaged. It has a crucial role to play to reinforce and build frameworks to enable more accessibility for young people."
— Mariama Abdou Gado, Medical Student and Youth Advocate, Niger