The GFF Trust Fund is governed by the Trust Fund Committee (TFC), which comprises representatives of the World Bank and donors, including governments and foundations that contribute at a certain threshold to the GFF Trust Fund. 

Drawing on advice from the GFF Investors Group (IG), the TFC is the main decision-making body of the GFF Trust Fund and plays a key role in shaping the direction and investment strategy and ensures coordination and accountability.

More specifically, the TFC’s mandate includes:


Overseeing the GFF’s strategic priorities and approving funding allocation for countries that are eligible to receive GFF grants from the GFF Trust Fund.


Facilitating coordination and collaboration among all donors and the World Bank to ensure GFF resources achieve maximum impact.

GFF TFC Members 2024

The current GFF Trust Fund Committee members include Susan T. Buffett Foundation, Canada, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Germany, Japan, Malawi (IG Co-Chair), the Netherlands, Norway, Sierra Leone (Ministerial Network Chair), United Kingdom, the World Bank Group.  

Since inception, the GFF Trust Fund has also been supported by: Denmark, the European Commission, Fondation Botnar, Laerdal Global Health, MSD for Mothers, Qatar Fund for Development, Rockefeller Foundation. 


The GFF TFC Governance Document (September 2019) describes the governance, composition, roles, and responsibilities of the TFC and its members. This document revises and replaces the former terms pertaining to the GFF TFC and GFF Secretariat (notably sections 5 and 6 of the GFF governance document, dated April 2018). For clarity, the governance terms pertaining to the TFC, notably section 4 and the annexes of the April 2018 document, remain effective and valid.