Maternal, neonatal and infant/child mortality are major health challenges, with a mortality rate of 835 per 100,000 live births (the second highest in the world) and infant/child and neonatal mortality ratios of 99 and 28 deaths per 1,000 live births respectively. The causes are multi-factorial, requiring a multi-disciplinary and multisectoral approach. To meet this challenge, the government, whose top priorities are the health and development of women, newborns, children and adolescents, has embarked on a far-reaching reform of the health sector, with unprecedented efforts to mobilize domestic and international resources. It is in this context that the preparation of the investment case focusing on the reduction of maternal and infant/child mortality has been initiated with the support of the GFF.

Launched in 2021 and revised in 2023, the update of the investment case followed a participatory and inclusive process involving the target population, civil society, the private sector, humanitarian and development technical and financial partners. It is therefore the fruit of a multisectoral mobilization and partnership in favor of mother, child, newborn, adolescents and nutrition.

The 2024–2026 investment case is a crucial lever for achieving universal health coverage. It aims to save an additional 13,270 children under the age of 5, including 2,532 newborns and 1,406 additional mothers, by the end of 2026, by deploying convincing, innovative strategies and high-impact intervention packages.

The government and people of the Central African Republic rightly welcome the CAR-GFF partnership, and urge all stakeholders to contribute to the implementation and monitoring of this 2024–2026 investment case.

Pr. Faustin Archange TOUADERA
President of the Central African Republic

NOTE: The CAR investment case and annexes are available in French only.

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