At the request of some Investors Group members a small task team of interested Investors Group members and related stakeholders (see Annex 1) convened to discuss the role of the GFF in fragile states and humanitarian situations where reproductive, maternal, newborn, children’s and adolescent health (RMNCAH) needs are acute and growing and where the efficient channeling of coordinated resources is particularly hard. Targeting RMNCAH service delivery in these specific settings may also be of interest to financiers and help GFF realize its ultimate goal of ending preventable deaths and improving the quality of life of women, children and adolescents by significantly scaling sustainable investments in RMNCAH. It is furthermore noted that the GFF may also bring opportunities to help bridge the humanitariandevelopment divide. This paper should be read in conjunction with GFF/IG2/4 Proposed Approach to Facility Countries.

This paper elaborates on the GFF engagement in fragile and humanitarian contexts. It examines different scenarios highlighting opportunities within the current business model of the GFF and draws attention to what is not feasible. It raises questions and seeks guidance on parameters for the role of the GFF, including possible next steps for analysis.