IDA Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit & a Proposed Grant from the GFF Trust Fund to Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
The Project Development Objectiveis to improve the delivery and use of a comprehensive package of maternal and child health services. The PDO is aligned with sector priorities – it is a subset of the strategic objectives of the Government’s Health HSTP. The PforR focuses on results from Maternal and Child Health
services and strengthening select areas of the health system, including procurement, financial management, safeguards, monitoring and evaluation. The proposed additional financing to the PforR operation will contribute to better health outcomes for women and children together with other key partners.
The GFF and Power of Nutrition partnerships contribute to an existing harmonized approach towards addressing maternal and child health financing needs. They will also contribute to coordinated support for health care financing and CRVS agenda. So in addition to the financing provided through these partnerships, they also assist the Government in building capacity in several key areas that are a priority in the HSTP. Some of the capacity building efforts are channeled through partners as well as through Bank executed activities that aim to build capacity in areas where the Bank has comparative advantage - such as Health Care Financing.