Incentivizing Nutrition: Incentive Mechanisms to Accelerate Improved Nutrition Outcomes
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Type: Publication
Sujet(s): Nutrition
Date Posted:
Juil. 24, 2017
Luc Laviolette, Sudararajan Gopalan, Leslie Elder, Olivier Wouters
This report provides operational guidance to World Bank project teams considering including nutrition objectives in projects. It is intended for non-technical staff to support their clients’ efforts to enhance the nutritional impact of World Bank country investments. The report provides practical advice to design and implement nutrition interventions in future operations based on a review of past successful and less successful attempts. The recommendations are organized by type of financial incentive mechanism, which correspond to the specific levels where the mechanisms exert their influence, i.e., national, sub-national, facility, community, households, or individuals, and also provides information on the use of non-financial incentives.